How Long Does Weed Stay Good?

How long does weed stay good? A long time if you take care of it properly! Let me guess; you just dug out a jar that has been sitting in the back of your stash box forever. Now you’re wondering, can I smoke this? Will it hurt me? We’re so glad you asked!...

Learn About Bubble Hash from Terrapin

What is Bubble Hash? Bubble hash is a particular texture of cannabis hash.  The technique for making bubble hash includes a few tools like ice water and strainers. Hash can range from a pale blonde color to dark brown. Lighter colors indicate higher quality and are...

3 Best Stoner Movies to Watch This Holiday Season

Who doesn’t love to get stoned and watch movies? That’s why they make stoner movies! It’s the classic pastime, especially now that temperatures are cooling off and people are slowing down to prepare for the holidays. These aren’t the classic...

Learn How to Dab from an Extraction Technician

Taking a dab can be intimidating! The tools are bewildering, and the process can be confusing for inexperienced dabbers. Most people need help doing their first dab. Still, not everyone has access to friends or family with cannabis experience. Not everyone feels...