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Small Batches and a Better Customer Experience

  You’ve likely heard or read the words “small batch sizes” in regards to certain products and brands, but what does that mean? Why is this a positive thing, and what does it refer to when used to describe cannabis?     There are a myriad of reasons...

10 Products to Make Summer 2020 Extraordinary

2020 has been anything but  “ordinary”. Business closures, stay at home orders and a pandemic have made real life feel a little bit like a bad sci-fi movie. This time of year is usually reserved for swimsuit shopping and travel planning, rather than video conferences...

Exploring the CO₂ Extraction Process

CO₂ Extraction Basics CO₂ extracted cannabis oil is mainly found in vape cartridges, such as our Terrapenns and Terrapods. Knowledge is power, so today we aim to answer your questions about CO₂ oil. Throughout this blog you will find certain words bolded. These links...