Convenient, discreet and easy to use, dab pens have become one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis concentrates. Asking yourself, “What is a dab pen?” While it might sound like the same thing as a vape, the two are different tools. A vape pen is a...
Dark weed strains are becoming more popular. If you’ve ever wondered why cannabis plants have different looks and effects, genetics are the reason why. Sativa and indica plants evolved in separate regions of the world, developing unique, distinct characteristics to...
Just a dab will do ya! As cannabis concentrates — shatter, wax, sugar, sauce, live resin, etc. — become increasingly popular, so too has a relatively new technique for consumption: dabbing. Dabbing can be defined as “the action or practice of inhaling small quantities...
You might have heard about Live Resin among the plethora of cannabis concentrates like sugars, waxes, badders, and shatters. While wading through this sea of names, Double Bear is here to guide you through everything cannabis concentrates. Today, we’re exploring...
There are tons of textures and varieties of cannabis wax. We love them all for their purity, potency, and flavor. When shopping for cannabis products, you want to consider your tolerance and which strains might work with your body best or achieve a specific mental...
How long does weed stay good? A long time if you take care of it properly! Let me guess; you just dug out a jar that has been sitting in the back of your stash box forever. Now you’re wondering, can I smoke this? Will it hurt me? We’re so glad you asked!...